Enhancing Individual Sales Performance!

Welcome to ALL NEW MCA eLearning! These courses are a powerful tool for individual sales development, offering a flexible and accessible way to enhance skills and knowledge. Each course provides individuals on your team with targeted training on key areas like asking the right questions to uncover needs, positioning a compelling sell or upsell, and overcoming objections.

Let Cindy Do It!


·         Individual, self-paced training

·         Video lectures by Cindy Novotny introduce essential selling and upselling strategies

·         Engaging interactive activities and exercises to reinforce key concepts

·         Course completion in approximately 45 minutes

·         Individuals can start a course at any time, pause as needed, and then resume exactly where they left off

·         Includes performance testing and measurement to ensure expected outcomes

Our eLearning allows individuals to progress at their own pace, ensuring they can focus on areas where they need the most improvement for more effective and personalized learning experiences.

Purposes & Uses:

·         Onboarding new staff

·         Bringing individuals up to speed who missed previous MCA in-person training

·         Re-training for individuals with specific needs

·         Refreshing skills for those returning to the workforce

The convenience of accessing courses anytime and from anywhere supports continuous learning, which not only boosts individual performance and career growth but also reinforces property-specific training. Additionally,  eLearning ensures that new team members start with a solid foundation from the beginning, helping them integrate more smoothly and contribute effectively.

The courses can be completed in any order. To begin, just click on a title below to open the course.

If you have any questions or need technical assistance, please contact MCA at 949.589.6137.

Mastering Sales Effectiveness
Prospecting with Purpose: Where to Begin                    
     $75           45 Min     
Prospecting with Purpose: Research Phase $75 45 Min
Prospecting With Purpose: Outreach Phase $75 45 Min
Prospecting With Purpose: Using LinkedIn and Social Media $75 45 Min
Uncovering Customer Needs The Probing Process $75 45 Min
Creating Customized Solutions Using F.A.B. Statements                                                 $75 45 Min
Creating Customized Solutions: The Presentation Process $75 45 Min
Closing To Win $75 45 Min
Handling Objections $75 45 Min
Luxury Upselling
Uncovering Guests Needs Using the Probing Process                            $75           45 Min     
Presenting Creative Upselling Solutions Using F.A.B. Statements                                  $75 45 Min
Handling Objections $75 45 Min
Mastering Reservation Sales
The Probing Process                          $75           45 Min     
F.A.B. Statements And The Sales Process                                                                        $75 45 Min
Handling Objections $75 45 Min

Course Summaries for Mastering Sales Effectiveness
Prospecting with Purpose: Where to Begin

Length: 45 Min

Price: $75

This module starts at the beginning of the sales process and focuses on where and how to begin your prospecting efforts:

-Understanding the difference between prospecting and sales

-Using the prospecting “road map” to find the “right person”, the “right path” and the “right thing to say”

-Finding new business from existing, new and old/dead business

-How to prioritize and plan your prospecting time


Prospecting with Purpose: Research Phase

Length: 45 Min

Price: $75

This module focuses on the first of three steps for effective new business development – the research phase. We will look at what differentiates the activities in this phase of prospecting from the others. Specifically, we will focus on how and where to look to find potential customers and how to effectively research and gather information about them. We will discuss strategies to go after the business you want by keeping your pipeline full. 


Prospecting With Purpose: Outreach Phase

Length: 45 Min

Price: $75

This module focuses on step two of effective new business development – the outreach stage. We will look at how to create compelling messages when reaching out to prospects. And how to get their attention using different avenues – voicemail, email and social media. We’ll also tackle how get past the gatekeeper and the personal barriers that get in the way of effective prospecting.   


Prospecting With Purpose: Using LinkedIn and Social Media

Length: 45 Min

Price: $75

Cold calling and prospecting look very different than they did 5-10 years ago. Thanks mostly to the internet and social media. This module focuses on how to take the “cold” out of cold calling by using the internet and social media to make stronger connections with potential customers. We will explore how to use LinkedIn more effectively and how to use other social media sites to increase your engagement in this new marketplace.    


Uncovering Customer Needs The Probing Process

Length: 45 Min

Price: $75

Once you have an appointment to speak to a new prospect, do you have what it takes to keep them interested? During your initial sales calls or inquiry calls, the nature of your communication should be based on broad, open-ended questions that get the customer talking about themselves and what is important to them. In this module we will introduce the Probing Process to guide you through this initial inquiry and how to effectively uncover your customer’s needs. 


Creating Customized Solutions Using F.A.B. Statements

Length: 45 Min

Price: $75

F.A.B. Statements are at the heart of what makes you an effective salesperson. It is the formula that links the positive attributes of what you are selling with the fulfillment of your customer’s needs. In this module we will talk about how to create personalized F.A.B. statements for proposals, sales presentations or site visits, as well as RFPs. These compelling sales statements will clearly articulate how you are uniquely positioned to meet the specific needs of your customers.


Creating Customized Solutions: The Presentation Process

Length: 45 Min

Price: $75

To stand out from the competition your proposals, presentations and site visits must be personalized and customized to each customer. In this module we will introduce the Presentation Process as a method for communicating your ideas and solutions professionally and powerfully. This approach can be used with proposals, site visits, phone conversations, or more formal presentations.


Closing To Win

Length: 45 Min

Price: $75

The close is an integral part of the sale. A strong proposal or presentation should move the customer to a point where they can act. Closing is not about a hard approach but facilitating the buying process to a natural conclusion of booking business with you. In this module we will look at how to move the customer to action and ask for the business. We will introduce eight different approaches to closing as well as following-up effectively and when to walk away when the business isn’t right for you.


Handling Objections

Length: 45 Min

Price: $75

Objections are a natural part of the buying process. Clients object when an expectation was not met. You must work through their hesitations, so they are comfortable moving forward. In this module we will introduce a communication tool called L.E.A.P.® that will encourage you to listen more carefully to and create more dialogue with your customers to work through their concerns and objections, so you can move past “no” and close more business.


Course Summaries for Luxury Upselling

Uncovering Guests Needs Using the Probing Process

Length: 45 Min

Price: $75

Elevating the guest’s experience can be achieved by asking open-ended questions encouraging them to share their preferences and the experience they want to have.  In this module, we will introduce the Probing Process, a structured approach designed to guide you through guest engagement in upselling.  This builds confidence in making recommendations, wowing your guests and increasing incremental revenue. Whether you’re at the front desk, in the spa, a server or bartender, these concepts apply.


Solutions Using F.A.B. Statements  

Length: 45 Min
Price: $75

In guest services, mastering the art of Feature-Adjective-Benefit (F.A.B.) statements is essential for driving upsells and enhancing the guest experience. In this module we will show spa and hotel front desk agents, concierge, and food and beverage servers how to use F.A.B. statements to showcase the distinctive offerings of the hotel and align them with the specific needs and preferences of each guest. Through personalized F.A.B. statements, you can effectively highlight the features of the hotel, use vivid adjectives to create enticing descriptions, and articulate the benefits that directly cater to the guest's desires. Whether its promoting room upgrades with luxurious amenities, recommending dining options or spa products, or suggesting exciting experiences, employing F.A.B. statements enables you to effectively upsell while surpassing guest expectations.


Handling Objections

Length: 45 Min
Price: $75

It is common to face objections from the guest when attempting an upsell.  It is crucial for spa and front desk agents, concierge, and food and beverage servers, to handle them adeptly.  In this module we will introduce L.E.A.P.®, a structured approach for addressing objections. The L.E.A.P.® model involves actively listening to guests, empathizing with their concern, asking questions to fully understand the issue, and identifying solutions to overcome the objection. By implementing this model, you can engage in meaningful dialogue with guests, build trust, and ultimately increase the likelihood of upselling even when faced with initial hesitations.


Course Summaries for Mastering Reservation Sales
The Probing Process

Length: 45 Min
Price: $75

In reservation sales, engaging guests with open-ended questions is essential as it encourages them to share their preferences and priorities more freely. In this module, we will introduce the Probing Process, a structured approach designed to guide you through the initial inquiry phase, build stronger rapport with guests, and uncover their unique needs and preferences. By asking the right questions, reservation agents can delve into the specific requirements and preferences of each guest enabling you to customize your recommendations and offerings to meet and exceed guest expectations. 


F.A.B. Statements
And The Sales Process

Length: 45 Min
Price: $75

Feature-Adjective-Benefit Statements are the cornerstone of your success in reservation sales. This module will teach you how to craft personalized F.A.B. statements that effectively communicate how your hotel can fulfill the unique requirements of each guest. You'll learn to articulate the distinctive features of your hotel, how to use vivid adjectives to describe those features, and ultimately communicate the benefits that directly address the guests' needs and preferences. This approach enables you to customize recommendations and offerings to meet and exceed guest expectations.


Handling Objections

Length: 45 Min
Price: $75

Objections are a natural part of the buying process. Guests raise objections when their expectations are not met. You must work through their hesitations, so they are comfortable moving forward with booking their reservation. In this module we will introduce a communication tool called L.E.A.P.® that will encourage you to listen more carefully to and create more dialogue with your guests to work through their concerns and objections, so you can move past “no” and convert more business. 


For technical support on these courses,
please call +1-949-589-6137 Within the US: 8am - 5pm Pacific Time Zone
Contact info@masterconnection.com